Editing II





PHOTO CHALLENGE | Using photos you’ve taken, use your editing software to straighten horizons, adjust white balance, exposure, and contrast. Bring your photo to life without overdoing it. We’re looking to “enhance” the image!

LR TIPS | Use the LIGHT slider in TONE CURVES to give a brightening pop to a flat-looking image.

Do you have an unwanted color cast? Lightly adjust the color sliders in the HSL color panel.

I use Lightroom to edit 98% of my images, Photoshop fills in the very small remainder. LR is an all inclusive software program that is affordable, quick to learn, easily navigable and customizable.

Despite your specific choice of editing software, many adjustments will be the same or similar and can be made to suit your situation. So much of what you see and learn here is applicable.

Whether or not you use presets to quickly adjust your images, or you do a fast and basic edit like you’ve seen in my videos, the options are truly endless to navigate and achieve the end results you desire.

It can be hard to explain editing adjustments, so I’ve created a few videos where you can watch me edit, starting with basic LR tools to enhance your photos.