Alyx + Kate :: Day 24

This is Kate's first attempt at coloring. 

He's such a good big brother to share his things.

Until the computer captured her attention...

She started to sit down and I caught this silly look on her face... Too cute!

She was really interested in these crayons, and she went after them anytime Alyx left one laying around. It was so funny to watch him scramble to them before Kate got to them.

I know I say this a lot, but I truly love seeing Alyx and Kate interact with each other. There's something special about watching siblings together. I pray they always have a close relationship.

She got her own page to color on, but found it more exciting when she saw a little tear in it.

Alyx has been really focused on his coloring and reading skills, the improvement really shows as his efforts continue. You can tell as his reading advances and the books he choses, that a love of reading runs deep in the family. Couldn't make me happier! :)

Alyx + Kate :: Day 27


Alyx + Kate :: Day 23