Last Day of 1st Grade :: Day 13

Today was Alyx's very last day of first grade! I still can't believe how quickly the time has gone by and what was once my 7lb 15oz little baby boy is now a boy going into football and 2nd grade! It's beautifully bittersweet to continue watching my children grow and knowing what it's like to go with out seeing my child for an extended period of time, I fully appreciate every moment I get to witness their milestones, development, and growth. As we've seen, they change so much!

Alyx and his buddy Reese sitting through their last morning assembly.

Best buds!

While we waited for bubba to get out of school today, Kate loves playing on the playground now! Sometimes she'll get brave and crawl up the steps, but today she STOOD up, held on to the side, and walk all the way up!!! Oh, and she LOVES going down the slide! 

I'm so very proud of my favorite no longer a first grader! He's come so far, learned so much, and grown to a handsome boy!

After school today we took to the park for a picnic and to enjoy the warmth and sunshine :).

We love you!!!!

Happy Father's Day :: Day 14


Day Before Last :: Day 12