Tales of Love & Adventure

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Pretzels :: Day 97

Tomorrow is Alyx's birthday surprise adventure, and I am so excited to get it going! I stayed up all night finishing the gift I was making him, I hope he loves it!


Morning time with our babes. I love them so much!

After I dropped Alyx off at school, there was a yard sale on the way home, and I found a few new treasures! 

Yesterday after school and before football practice, we had some time to kill, so we stopped at the German pretzel store where Jeremy used to take us all the time. It isn't the same with out Jeremy, but it feels good to feel close to him in the smallest of ways. So, this afternoon, we melted cheese on top and enjoyed a delicious afternoon snack.

The final product! It will go on the back of the passenger seat in the car to place his books in. I filled it with new chapter books and coloring books and crayons for him to organize and store in hopes of him enjoying it on our long car rides when we go on adventures and trips!