Mornings with this awesome duo :: Day 192

Weekday mornings while getting out the door for school are super hectic 95% of the time. We get one incredibly good day about once a month or so, but the rest of the time, it's a rush to make it in time. It doesn't help that I'm slow to get up (I've started waking myself up earlier for this reason), and these two take all of my time, so it can be a little challenging to get myself ready for the day as well. 

I wouldn't have it any other way...

Our final decent down the stairs and out the door as I mentally plan and prepare for the inner workings of my day, making sure I have everything for us.

Alyx has taken the official duty of unplugging the lights when we leave, and he turns them on when we get home :).

...and then he's off!

..and so is Kate! She'll sometimes take a lap around the yard after bubba before taking a little stroll down the sidewalk.

Most of the time she comes back, or goes toward Dave's house (on the other side), but I usually go after her. She finds this hilarious!


After taking my little man to school, I went to the bookstore's coffee shop to get my end of year work started to show off for the upcoming year! I spent two days with Michaela here and even an evening after picking Alyx up from school. They played with the toy trains in the back of the bookstore before bringing some books up to be by me. I finished the current project, but I have quite a few more to go.

Kate being the wonderful helper that she is.

She found two receipts made into boats in between the window and table they were sitting at. She was excited to show me. I'm really blessed with how well behaved my children are. They have their moments of course, but more times than not, I can do whatever it is that I need to with them right beside me.

I love you babe. We can't wait for you to be apart of our everyday again. Muah!

Dance Party, Sunshine, Happy Babies :: Day 193


A Christmas Party :: Day 189