Finally an Adventure :: Day 315

It felt so good to get and enjoy a little sunshine in between the constant downpour we've had lately! It timed out so well too, we couldn't have asked for better weather, especially since we planned this a few weeks ago!

I love the Skagit Valley area so much! I could seriously live here. So much wide open space, everything is so beautiful, and the mountains to the west are so much closer than the Tacoma area - it's breathtaking!

So babe, I may need to invest in some *ahem* Hunter's boots... Katie said so... or encouraged it... or had some and it made more sense... or something like that ;).

I only got a few silly pictures of Carl and Katie, and now I'm super sad I didn't take any others with my camera, we switched off to take pictures of each other so much I didn't think of it. Anyway, thanks so much for coming guys! You two are awesome! I love being with people who can enjoy the flow of the day and crazy kids and getting lost and playing around... and take pictures with me ;).


We made a few stops on the way out.. we found this cute produce stand and picked up some apples and rosemary bread rolls. Yum! 

I truly love adventures, and I really can't wait for Jeremy to be home to be apart of them, because I'm always wishing he was along every moment. I'm so thankful to have friends to go with, but I'll be stoked to have Jeremy around too! I'm super tired, so I'll finish up more pictures later.

Enjoy babe, I love you forever! 59 days!


Needing Comfort :: Day 316


I'm Weak :: Day 313