Tales of Love & Adventure

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Getting Through, Maybe

I'm beyond thankful for two amazing brothers who have given their shoulders for me to cry on when I need them most. It's really hard to shake feelings of betrayal, let go, and most of all, move on. Every day keeps coming, the kids need me, dishes need to be done, photos need work, errands need to be run, meals need to be cooked, and yet, I'm battling with an internal desire of deep unconditional love.

I won't - can't - get into specifics, because this is, after all, a blog. But I find comfort in my little corner of the internet that keeps record of my kids and our life.

I'm happy to share that my little boy and girl are happy as can be! Summer has arrived in Western Washington, and our skin is already rejoicing in the sun. We've been spending lots of time outside, and it's been so wonderful. I've seen a lot of people saying it's too hot, so they're staying in with fans and a/c, yet when that cold rain hits, you're going to be wishing you'd enjoyed this summer sun and heat while it was around! Don't let me say I told you so! ;)

This weekend we tackled all the yard and house work, made some awesome dinners, went to the Taste of Tacoma, and made a homemade slip-n-slide. Not to mention, I caught up on my own work, and Jeremy prepared for opening day of crab season that starts tomorrow. Oh, we also enjoyed our first run together since he got home, followed by a fresh fruit protein-packed smoothie. We've definitely been falling into bed completely exhausted, but it's oh-so-good!

6.25 | Alyx caught a cat fish at Wapato Lake

6.27 | Bear will be a big brother in two weeks

6.29 | Sunflower: New addition to my garden

6.29 | "Mama, take picture."

6.29 | Cherries picked from our front yard

6.30 | Summer fun slip 'n slide