He's Coming Home :: Day 374

Delays, delays, delays. That seems to be the repeated word of the day. It's frustrating, but I simply cannot complain. Jeremy is now officially on his way home to me! This is by far the greatest feeling in the entire world!

Alyx, Kate, and my sister are currently at my side as I wait, and I am so grateful. My two dearest friends are in touch with me as we are all anxiously awaiting the final end of our long deployment. If you follow any blogs or need other amazing milso's to follow, check out my sweet friend Katie at mrandmrsfoster.com. I am so thankful for this girl and her friendship. My other dear friend, Mercedes, isn't in the blogging land, but I am blessed to spend much time with her and share in the journey's you read about here. I also got to talk to my dad and step-mom today, they discussed their plans of journeying across country for our wedding, and I seriously can't express my gratitude to have them apart of this with us. I can't wait to show them my life here, as they've never even been to Washington state. I can't wait!! :)

I've been spending a lot of time learning new ways to teach and shape my children into amazing people as they grow. A friend recommended this blog on Montessori after I mentioned it, and while this isn't my idea of complete education, I love the ideas for our time at home outside of school. As well, I am most excited to be a two parent household again very soon! It's amazing the difference that makes. Not just two parents, but the saying "It takes a village to raise a child," has never held more meaning in my 8 1/2 years experience as a mom. I've discovered over this deployment just how much Alyx and Kate love being around our friends and family. Those that are close to us and love my children are welcomed with excitement and open arms from them, and I love seeing that. Child instincts are incredible, and it lets you know just how valuable those relationships are.

This little goober was helping while Shelby and I worked on a project and snacked on doritos and sour cream, which amusingly, landed on her nose ;).

Kate and I play a little peek-a-boo game after her bath. Even if she's grumpy and tired, she finds it hilarious, and I love her expressions! It was a little challenge to play and photograph, but this is the essence of the moment. I just love it!

Cuddle time before bed is our favorite!

You can check out our little adventure to Nisqually HERE. It was a blast to get out of the city, listen to birds chirp, and be surrounded by Washington's lush summer greenery. Leave a comment and let me know what you think! :)

My Little Graduate :: Day 375


Friendships :: Day 373