Snoqualmie for four

After a busy day, we decided to visit Snoqualmie Falls. It's one of our favorite little trips to take (only an hour away), and after hearing there was snow around the falls, I was anxious to finally hike down and see it up close!

 The last few visits the lower observation deck, where you can climb down to the base of the fall, has been closed for construction, and unfortunately, this time was no exception. I was pretty disappointed. So, we walked down by the river, and played with ice and climbed over rocks.

I was ready to pass on by at this point, because well, I was ready to hike and see it from the best seat in the place! However, my guy insisted we see what all the talk was about, and I'm glad we did! It was incredible!

I'm not giving up though, I'll get down to the bottom again, eventually! I'm so ready for snow to match this cold weather we've had in the city, but we live in a spot that seems to be protected from any severe-type weather we may have. Seriously, our whole county will be without power, and I bet that we would only get a few flickers. While that is good fortune, I rather enjoy the crazy weather times.

I've so greatly enjoyed this time spent with my family. While I anticipated a more relaxing month, full of holiday festivities, it's actually become quite full of work and events here and there. I have spent much time thinking of and connecting with family out of state too, not wanting to forget anyone [as it happens from time to time], and remembering the things that truly matter most this season and the next.

I've had some great connections through the blogging community lately, and I feel so blessed and with a full heart to connect with such amazing, genuine people. Thank you all for your comments, emails, and those that are turning into pen pals as well! I love it!


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