Finding Gratitude

It's been a challenging few weeks, one where I've spent much time reflecting and finding gratitude. Being grateful in the little things, falling in love over and again, smiling instead of frowning, laughing until your gut hurts, reading to your little ones, pillow talk, cuddling all night, watching movies in the dark, and finding peace and contentedness. These little things have the most meaning and leave me feeling renewed time and again.

So, I'm working on feeling grateful each and every day. After completing a 365 photo project [one photo each day for a year], I'm considering the 365 grateful project [one photo each day for a year of things you're grateful about]. Putting purpose behind the project, other than just to do it, seems like a mighty fine reason to take it on again. However, I'm still considering this as I go through this season and take time for the little things again. These photos are all things I'm grateful for, and I am so thankful to have them.

How do you take time to appreciate all that you have to be grateful for?


What you say matters. What you don't say matters.


6 Years Later