I married that boy

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. 
-Mignon McLaughlin

September 1, 2013 | Gig Harbor, WA

I honestly cannot believe that one year has passed since this day already. Since the day I finally married this man. We went down a really rocky road to get to this point in our relationship, 5 years in to be exact. I appreciated our time together before marriage however. Because even though most people say nothing really changes, I felt a change. I became his wife. He became my husband. That spoke to me. It said a lot.

It still does say a lot.

As the old saying goes, our first year of marriage has been a rough one. Not because we had a hard time compromising when we moved in together (that was years before marriage for us), but simply that a lot of life happened in that first year. From loss to family troubles, relational issues, and overwhelming responsibility - we really faced a lot of challenge. There was even a decent phase where we were turning against one another instead of turning toward each other. It was not pleasant.

I've done a lot of growing in our first year of marriage, and today, I couldn't love my husband more. I do believe that things happen for a reason, and although that's probably the most frustrating statement ever, I've learned that without certain things happening, we wouldn't be where we are now. I do my best to live right now and try my best to be in the now. Not only that, I've made an active effort to be the best me throughout this year.

I love thinking back to our wedding day. All the effort and time spent on that one day was worth every single bit of it. Even more, I still get all warm and fuzzy when I hear other people talk about how much they loved it! I'm already planning an adventure-styled shoot representing even more of who we are, to celebrate us.

I also want to credit our day to the things and people who really made it the best. Our parents, for being so much apart of every step. Our officiant, Tricia, who was honestly just the sweetest. She loved us so well (and had only met her just before), accepted our invite to stay at the reception and even spoke as we opened the floor after our wedding party. Next was our DJ. I really had no idea how imperative a DJ was to a wedding, but he made our entire day flow from one part to the next and kept the mood light and fun. DJ Dave even kicked off some Cupid Shuffle for us! We loved him!

I could go on, but at the end of the day, we will keep working on our marriage every day and making it work for ourselves and each other. Anniversary road trip pictures coming soon!

Happy Anniversary my love. I'm having a great time doing life with you. I love you.


This mama's heart


Big Four Ice Caves