We didn't forget the last day of summer

Lake Cushman + Hoodsport | September 2014

As it worked out, my babes and I were able to adventure out for the last day of summer. We spent the day before at the fair, and even though we were ready to relax at home for the remainder of the weekend, we packed up a backpack and went to the lake anyway. The plan was to hike, but it was surprisingly warm, and with all the play by the lake, a hike would've left them too flushed. So we played. We climbed rocks and threw rocks, we tickled and laughed. It was simple and sweet.

I had only packed fruit and granola bars, by the time we left our first spot, our bellies were growling. Granola wasn't going to cut it, so we stopped but the local market and picked up an easy lunch to picnic by Anna's Bay, an inlet of the Puget Sound. This summer day will go down in the books. When I think of summer in the coming days of fall and winter, I will think of this day. When at Anna's Bay, I sat in the rocks by the water with my trusty pup often at my side, and I watched. I watched Alyx exploring and throwing rocks, I watched Kate figure things out, determining whether she would like it or not. As usual, Alyx found interesting bugs to show me (I really should start a series ;)), Kate built a fort out of shells. It was warm. It was happy. It was so very good.

Thanks summer, you did good. Really good.


Washington State Fair


Campfire by the lake