Pumpkin patch time

Aaah, the joys of this season, never-ending holiday festivities for three solid months. Which makes sense since winter blues set in especially hard in the PNW. The steady days of light rain and cool temperatures can push you inside much more than you'd prefer, of course, you could always layer up and throw on a rain jacket too! We're finally getting to that point, but once you step out the door in the morning and feel that chill, blankets and warm socks on the couch with a good movie (or book!) and warm drink sound pretty darn good! We try to find a good balance with that around here. I may have accidentally turned my kids into the best little cuddlers around! Hehee.

Early on in October, it's been that perfect weather everyone loves and for a brief moment in time, no one complains about a thing. It's quite wonderful. We try to squeeze in as much as we can during that time, and started with our usual trip to the pumpkin patch. It's so fun visiting the same place every year and seeing how our kids enjoy it just a little bit different as they grow each year.

I'm really having a hard time believing we're already at this point of the year already. Time just seems to keep on trucking, even when we're ready for it to pause for a bit. I'm thankful to be here, living life, and take it all in day by day. It's all you really can do, so we try to enjoy it as much as possible.


That PNW outdoor livin'


What our fall is looking like