Personal Projects to Paying Gigs


Personal projects can remain personal but they can also lead to paying jobs and commercial work, if you desire.

Every day you should wake up with the desire to create for your project. Like you were already hired and paid to create a body of work, you have to put forth that dedication from the get-go. It needs to be one of the more important things you do and dedicate your time to. You need to feel its value before anyone else can.

The goal is to capture how you feel about the subject, a genuine process that shows your personal work and leads to a good workflow that can be applied to clients.

Light is everything. Wise photographers can execute their skill across a broad range of images over time, and that’s what creates consistency. You have to create the work you want to get hired for. The reason for creating a large body of work is to express how you see things that lets you hone your style.