A Farewell to Summer


As I sit here writing this, we are on the official last day of the summer season. For many reasons, I am full of conflict at this momentary passing and exchange of time. While I’ve been fortunate to have a sliver of my previous work accessible to me during Covid, it also has been so different. My children have been out of school and fully online since March when things came down hard. Our summer plans, birthdays, births of two nephews, and seven year anniversary all came and went with so little interaction.


Things got to a point where we realized there were still possibilities available to us that didn’t fully restrict us to being indoors. I planted a few new gardens, created online classes for my photography students, and have leaned into creative exploration with my camera as much as possible. I went out to watch and document sunsets, ate dinner near the water, sat on the sand and skipped rocks, went for walks down our gravel lane, and learned to function on Zoom meetings.

It’s a crazy world we’re living in, but finding a new way of living is our human instinct above simply surviving. Finding ways to continue living, to be apart of the solution, and to love one another is still needed.


Every month of the year thus far has proven to have its own set of challenges, struggles, and dilemmas. And those things have come in so many forms it’s hard to keep track. Amidst it all, I’ve felt so very thankful for my family, for our home, and for this beautiful place we live.

Of course, I could’ve shared a round up of our summer in photos, but this simple evening at the beach was a recent favorite. There was nothing spectacular about it, other than eating burgers on a piece of driftwood as we all nestled in close to each other, then collected sea glass, sea shells, attempted to catch a salmon, and watched the sun go down before the ten minute drive home.


My hope is truly that the coming seasons and final months of the year hold respite and reprieve for those who need it most. I’m leaning into what offers the most comfort for not only myself, but my family and friends as well. I’m letting go of expectation and pretense, and taking it day by day and with a lot of grace.

Farewell summer…


An Engagement in the Mountains


A Touch of Whimsy in the Summer Garden